Tag: the writing life

  • 2018’s surprise successes & 2019’s few-but-mighty goals

    2018’s surprise successes & 2019’s few-but-mighty goals

    Remember that long list of goals I posted last fall? And how I said I usually don’t do big goal lists because I think they’re a terrible idea? I stand by all of it. Maybe it works for some people, but it never has for me. I get excited about the actual goal-setting, but I…

  • Limitations on writing time: they can be good for us

    Limitations on writing time: they can be good for us

    We writers pine for a day when we can just write. No obligations, no kids interrupting (through a closed door, no less), no deadlines, no nothing. Just us and the blank page. What a privilege that would be, right? Actually, I don’t think so. Don’t get me wrong. I love a solitary writing retreat. I…

  • #RevPit 2018: reflections from a runner-up

    #RevPit 2018: reflections from a runner-up

    Last week, I participated in #RevPit on Twitter. It’s an annual contest where writers submit their query letter and the first five pages of a completed novel. Winners receive five weeks of one-on-one work with a developmental editor. Competition was fierce, but the community was a delight. Fellow participants were friendly and supportive. The editors…