Tag: The ADHD Homestead

  • My editing process: blog post opening

    I occasionally share tidbits of my writing process with my Patreon crew, but today’s share felt like a blog post. So here we are! I’m going to show a little window into my blogging process. Many of my posts here are casual and off-the-cuff. Not so with my ADHD Homestead blog. Every ADHD Homestead post…

  • My newly ad-free online platform, almost five months in

    I took my online platform ad-free almost five months ago to align my revenue streams more closely with my mission. My dislike for ads made them ineffective anyway. Between the number of ad categories I blocked and how I shoved them out of the way in my site design, they didn’t earn me much money.…

  • Business Diaries #3: Taking The ADHD Homestead Ad-Free

    At the beginning of 2019 I mentioned wanting to take The ADHD Homestead ad-free. Since then I’ve done a lot of thinking about how ads fit into my business, both financially and philosophically. And I’ve concluded that they don’t. It’s easy for bloggers to think we should or even have to include ads. We don’t.…

  • #RevPit 2018: reflections from a runner-up

    #RevPit 2018: reflections from a runner-up

    Last week, I participated in #RevPit on Twitter. It’s an annual contest where writers submit their query letter and the first five pages of a completed novel. Winners receive five weeks of one-on-one work with a developmental editor. Competition was fierce, but the community was a delight. Fellow participants were friendly and supportive. The editors…