Tag: critique groups

  • Apps, like art, gain meaning from their audience. (So ship that beta now.)

    I released the first beta of DoTheThing.app earlier this month. It felt incomplete and far too humble to show the world, but I did it anyway. It’s part of my training as a creator, something I learned way back in art school: never show your work for the first time when it’s already finished. Do…

  • #RevPit 2018: reflections from a runner-up

    #RevPit 2018: reflections from a runner-up

    Last week, I participated in #RevPit on Twitter. It’s an annual contest where writers submit their query letter and the first five pages of a completed novel. Winners receive five weeks of one-on-one work with a developmental editor. Competition was fierce, but the community was a delight. Fellow participants were friendly and supportive. The editors…