Category: Journal

  • A week of author events and happy times

    A week of author events and happy times

    Last week was an absolute whirlwind. Lots of traveling, lots of smiles, lots of good book stuff. I’ll share some highlights and photos. Side note: I started my first blog in 2003. Remember what blogs were then? They were all full of posts like this! I loved it. Honestly, I would scrap every piece of…

  • Just a writer with a painting degree, learning how to doodle (in German)

    Just a writer with a painting degree, learning how to doodle (in German)

    Confession: I have a four-year degree in visual arts. But I’m really a language person. I always have been. Hence the whole author thing. Makes sense, right? And yet I graduated from a rigorous studio art program. Look — I’m suggestible, I love working with my hands, and I have a deeply ingrained work ethic…

  • This week in pandemic history: Thanksgiving

    This week in pandemic history: Thanksgiving

    I’m currently reading the new collection of Alan Rickman’s diaries. My writer-brain often absorbs tone and voice from what I read, and it’s been interesting to observe the melding of my journaling cadence with Rickman’s. It’s also been interesting to dig into the content itself. I suppose I expected something a little more distilled, based…

  • Memorials, hometowns, and the stories we grow up in

    Memorials, hometowns, and the stories we grow up in

    A couple weeks ago I took a trip to my hometown, which also happens to have inspired the fictional town of Red Hill in She’s Not Home. I didn’t know how I’d feel about this visit. The book is, in many ways, a love letter to a beautiful place, and to the feeling of growing…

  • Summer 2022, summarized in photos

    I spent a lot of time offline this summer. Generally speaking, this feels like a net positive. However, I did have a few ideas I was looking forward to posting on here and now it feels awkward to do so without acknowledging my lengthy absence. Consider it hereby acknowledged. At some point late in the…