Category: Casual Friday

  • An office switcheroo to help salvage pandemic productivity

    I haven’t posted at all since the pandemic began. Like most of us, I have complicated feelings about many things. However, I’ll jump back in with something lighter: how I’ve adapted my physical workspace to our new life. I used to have exclusive domain over my home office. This didn’t always feel like a blessing,…

  • How I fight impostor syndrome by doing stuff I’m bad at

    A theme has emerged for my mid-30s: I’m obsessed with doing stuff I’m bad at. Weird, right? I’ve been labeled gifted and talented for pretty much my whole life. Toward the end of high school, my mom advised me to go to college for something I was “good at.” And that made sense. It seems…

  • I deleted my Facebook data. It was harder than I anticipated.

    I deleted my Facebook data. It was harder than I anticipated.

    Almost a year ago, I stopped using my personal Facebook profile. The contempt and incivility around the 2016 election left a bad taste in my mouth. Subsequent articles I read about how Facebook can affect our beliefs and relationships further soured me on the experience. Beyond that, though, I noticed how good it felt to…

  • Fall 2018 goals update

    Fall 2018 goals update

    Remember the goals I outlined in September? Even though it seems like just last week, I have to remind myself almost half of my work time has already passed me by. It’s been a busy time: I took a solo trip to the beach to read and write. My brother-in-law got married in Florida and…

  • Goals: Fall 2018 Edition

    Goals: Fall 2018 Edition

    This fall, I’m trying something new. I’m going to share some of my goals for the near future. Sure, I appreciate public accountability, but I also love reading these posts on others’ blogs.  Putting my goals under my control I used to set lofty goals. They left me feeling like a failure. While I forget exactly…